Saturday, November 7, 2020

How to choose freelancer for your business needs ?


Now, many businesses are augmenting their team with freelancers at the house and across the world. It is a unique kind of relationship which happens completely online. The main purpose of taking this effort is to boost business productivity. Whether you are seeking freelancers for long-term engagement or just engaging them for an emergency, here are few guidelines to aids you in getting prepared for finding and recruiting an ideal freelancer.  This guide let you know how to conduct a remote interview.

Consider your hiring needs and purpose

The first step is to have a precise idea about what you require doing. You can do it by creating the list of enough details including the timeline, payment schedule, and deliverables. It is useful for both recruiters and freelancer as knowing the work and knowledge required aids them in determine if it is suitable or not.

With a proper idea about your goals, you can list out the deliverables that you look for plus some logistics for how they will work with your business will aid you in getting started in a hassle-free and time-saving way.

You can also include all high-level objectives that you are seeking to achieve with the help of a freelancer.  It is also helpful to add granular things such as:

  • What the company is comfortable delegating

  • Who freelancer will require meeting

  • Documents and systems freelancer need better access to

  • How their completed job will be easily coordinated within the company

Create an impressive job post

Freelancer is generally free to select the projects which are appealing to them. It means that you are competing for the right freelancers from numerous options. The right way to find the right one is to create a stunning job post. Including an eye-catchy title and add relevant information about the project. You can ensure that your job post must:

  • Create awareness about you, your objectives and your business

  • Answer the pertinent queries related to job while leaving the room for any suggestions

  • Shows if the job is hourly, fixed-price or longer engagement

  • Outlines experience and skills the job requires

Where to find the freelancers?

Freelance platform is the right place where global businesses can find out and hire temporary staffs for their projects and job roles. It brings freelancers an excellent opportunity to create their profile, show their job portfolio and even chat with recruiters. You can search the freelancer directory based on skills, experience, related criteria and more. Here are the key facilities offered by this platform as follow:


  • Shortlist candidates

Businesses can easily shortlist candidates across the world and conduct job interview for choosing the right fit their project.  You can also review the language fluency, timezone, rate, related experience, client feedback and skills of every candidate. Creating a perfect internet brand presence is a perfect way to grab the attention of best worldwide talent.

  • Track the work time

Most of the platforms offer a desktop app and work diary to enable you to track both results and work time

  • Quality control

 You can release the payment after fully checking the last submission for both quality and every important criterion.

  • Collaboration and communicate platform

Few platforms offer a chat tool and workroom for enabling staffs to contact the clients when they desire

  • Rate freelancers

It has a mechanism for rating the freelancers according to their results. 

How to prepare for a remote interview?

The interview is a useful process that allows you to move completely beyond the job resume and know more about freelancers. When you decide to prepare for the remote interview, you can look at the following interview questions. If you choose video chat for conducting an interview, you can make of use of these following tips.

  • Choose the right time

  • Select a reliable backdrop for video

  • Learn the methods to use video technology and fix any connection or software issues

  • Get yourself a video camera ready and make an excellent impression

  • Equipped with a set of interview questions

  • Find out the red flags

  • Maintain the interaction on the topic

  • You can ask for agreement for recording the interview process

  • Share the further steps before signing off

  • During the conversation, you can consider how good you both speak

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