Thursday, May 15, 2014

Healthy Benefits of Mango

The National fruit of India is a tasty fruit belonging to Mangifera family. Mango tree is the national tree of Bangladesh and also the national fruit of Philippines. In Indian Culture mango leaf is used for decorating wedding and religious ceremonies. Indian Mangoes are exported to many European and American countries. This name mango was originated from the Tamil word Manga which was originally came from Portuguese word which was also called manga. It is cultivated in different parts of South Asia and mainly it is grown in India.

Mango is one of the healthiest fruit that has many benefits. It is also called the “King of Fruits” all over the world. Let us see some of the benefits of Mango:

1. Skin Care: This fruit has properties which can keep your skin away from pimples and some other skin problems. It makes your skin glow and keeps it healthy. Eating a mango daily will keep your skin soft and glowing.

2. Vision Care: Mango is good for your vision. It helps you to cure night blindness partially and also cure dry eyes issue. It contains 30% of Vitamins in a slice which is helpful to solve vision problem.

3. Diabetes Care: The leaves of Mango are good for diabetic people. It helps to improve the insulin level and keeps the sugar level normal. The leaves are boiled in water and then soaked for the night. This soaked water should be consumed by the diabetic people. Need to continue this till the blood sugar level gets to normal and also can be continued till required.

4. Sex Care: The fruit contains Vitamin E in it. This will help you to improve the sex drive. This will help you to be healthy and fit too.

5. Digestion Care: The main problem faced by many of us is digestion problem. The digestive system needs some fiber to cure digestion. Mango has the fibers to resolve the digestion problem. Need to take Mango after your dinner to have a good digestion process in the night.

6. Heart Care: Heart stroke is a complicated issue faced by mankind. If the heart stops working properly then  it will be end of her life. So, to have a good and healthy heart to be processed you need some foods which  has fiber, proteins and other properties in it. To get these properties you have to take Mango in your diet.  This will keep you away from Heart diseases and so also heart strokes.

7. Immune Care: This fruit is very tasty and also has Vitamin A and Vitamin C to improve the immune system  in our body. You need to consume a mango every day in the mango season.

8. Cancer Care: The reason to call mango king of fruits is that it helps to prevent cancer and also helps to stop  cancer cells in your body. Cancer is formed due to these dangerous cells spreading through the body. So, to  prevent cancer cells in your body you need to have mango.

9. Weight Care: Mango has high level of fiber, vitamins and pectin in it to help remove bad cholesterol level. The cholesterol level will be reduced and also the weight will be lost in this process.

10.Body Care: The fruit has different acids which is useful to keep our body fit. So, a mango a day will keep  your body healthy and fit.

Note:  Mango is one of the fruit originated 4000 years ago and has more than 1000 varieties.

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